
What Happens If You Apply Fertilizer to Wet Grass

It does not matter if you are a yard pro or a beginner, you will eventually ask yourself what happens if you apply fertilizer to wet grass. While it may be tempting to fertilize your lawn when it’s wet, doing so can harm your grass because the product gets unevenly distributed.

Read this guide to understand why applying fertilizer to wet grass is generally not recommended and what are the consequences of fertilizing when the grass is wet. Also, know what to do in case you have already done it. 

Can I Apply Fertilizer to Wet Grass?

Technically, you can, but it is highly recommended that you don’t. Wet grass can cause the fertilizer to clump, leading to uneven distribution and potential damage to your lawn. The moisture can wash away some of the nutrients, reducing the effectiveness of the fertilizer.

If you have fertilized your lawn while it is wet, just be sure to water your lawn thoroughly to help spread the fertilizer evenly and avoid further damage. It is also best to avoid walking on the grass or mowing your lawn until it is dry. 

To get the best results, apply fertilizer to dry grass and water your lawn thoroughly afterward to activate the nutrients and promote even distribution throughout the soil. 

Can You Put Granular Fertilizer on Wet Grass?

It is not recommended to apply granular fertilizer to wet grass. The moisture on the grass blades causes the granules to stick, which may result in uneven distribution and potential burn or damage to the grass (that can lead to lawn bare spots).

It is best to apply granular fertilizer to dry grass and water it lightly immediately afterward to help the fertilizer settle into the soil. If it has rained or the grass is wet due to morning dew or sprinkler, wait until it is 100% dry before applying any product.

Can You Fertilize After Rain? 

Yes, you can use grass fertilizer after rain, but consider the type of fertilizer and the amount of rain that has fallen.

If you are using a water-soluble fertilizer, heavy rainfall can wash the product away before it gets absorbed by the grassroots. Wait until the ground has dried out before applying.

If you are using a slow-release fertilizer, it may be a smaller problem to apply it after rain. However, it is still a good idea to check the weather forecast and avoid using the product if heavy rain is expected soon.

It is best to fertilize grass when the soil is moist but not saturated. If the soil is too dry, the fertilizer may not get properly absorbed. On the other hand, if the soil is too wet, the fertilizer may be washed away.

What If It Rains After I Fertilize my Lawn?

Imagine you just gave your lawn a nutrient-packed fertilizer, and suddenly it starts raining. Here is what to consider:

  • light to moderate rainfall can help your fertilizer penetrate the soil and distribute evenly across your lawn, but heavy downpours can wash away the nutrients before they do their job. Not to mention, the runoff can harm the environment; and
  • if there is a prolonged period of heavy rainfall, reapply the fertilizer once the weather clears up.

Always follow the instructions on the packaging and avoid fertilizing if heavy rain is in the forecast within the next 24-48 hours. 

When Is the Best Time to Fertilize Your Lawn? 

Apply fertilizer before or after rain: here's what you need to know. It is generally recommended to apply fertilizer before rain, but, if heavy rain is expected immediately after your fertilizer's application, it may be better to wait until after the rain to apply the product. 

A normal rainfall helps to dissolve the fertilizer and carry it down into the soil, where it can be taken up by plant roots, and applying fertilizer before the rain can also help to prevent the fertilizer from being washed away by heavy rain or runoff.

On the other hand, heavy rain causes the fertilizer to be washed away before it has a chance to be absorbed by the soil, resulting in wasted resources and potential harm to the environment.

Avoid any mistakes and do not apply fertilizer to wet grass if you're not sure on what is the right thing to do. Call our amazing lawn maintenance team to help you out on this mission with guaranteed success and effectiveness! 

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