Security Systems Electric
4225 Northgate Blvd #1a - Sacramento CA 95834
Be the first to review this businessSacramento, CA 95834
Phone: 916-920-****916-920-208579 (click to view the number)
About the Company
"Your companions in home security around Sacramento CA" is Security Systems Electric's slogan. Any time people decide to upgrade the appearance of the home, many begin with home security renovation. Typically the most common areas of a property to be redecorated may be apartment security systems and home security alarm redesigning. It is not hard to find many professional apartment security systems and home security alarm redesigning providers in Sacramento, Sacramento county, so making the right decision of which pro to retain will be complicated. Committed to providing you punctual, professional support to our patrons, we perform community home security service every weekday.
License Information
Number: | 836231 |
State Info: | View official license on government website |
Type: | Electrical, Doors, Gates And Activating Devices |
Status: | Active |
Issued on: | 2004-04-17 |
Bond Information
Company: | American Contractors Indemnity Company |
Amount: | $12,500 |
Additional Information
Time in business: | 21 years |
Services Offered: | Home Security |
Are we a residential contractor? | YES |
Are we a commercial contractor? | YES |
Do we offer financing? | NO |
Do we have emergency service? | YES |
Do we accept credit cards? | NO |
Additional Company Information
Security Systems Electric - Security Technicians in Sacramento, California. In business since 2004. The company's license number is 836231. License held: Electrical, Doors, Gates And Activating Devices.
Hours Please call to confirm
8:00am - 6:00pm | 8:00am - 6:00pm | 8:00am - 6:00pm | 8:00am - 6:00pm | 8:00am - 6:00pm | Closed | Closed |
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To get started, browse the best Sacramento Security Technicians, read reviews, find detailed contractor information on individual Security Technicians in Sacramento and request free project estimates.
Sacramento home security costs
Finding accurate service costs before planning a remodeling project is important for keeping the overall project costs down. Are you looking to install home security systems in Sacramento soon? Find accurate Sacramento home security system installation costs right now.
Knowing accurate remodeling costs upfront can help you negotiate more effectively with trade professionals and vendors and gauge whether their projects quotes are fair, as compared to your local market costs to install home security systems in Sacramento.
We work hard to help you make confident decisions regarding which home products and services to purchase, as well as help you identify trustworthy local Sacramento home security system installation contractors. Our goal is to make sure you are able to have quality work completed at a fair price and on time.
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