Cagle Masonry
7800 Gallup Drive - Bakersfield CA 93309
Be the first to review this businessBakersfield, CA 93309
Phone: 661-363-****661-363-633968 (click to view the number)
About the Company
Their location is: 7800 Gallup Drive in Bakersfield. The expertise of Cagle Masonrys masons could perfect your household. Upgrade your domestic renovation project using masonry professionals from Cagle Masonry. The service of this company is positive to be the finest quality results on the market. Bakersfield domestic renovation is enhanced through the knowledge of the company's professionals in masonry assignments. Throughout Bakersfield, an individual could expect any residential remodel to be superb provided they hire personnel who specialize in masons. The trained and knowledgeable staff of contractors at this agency properly with durability you can trust.
Your Cagle Masonry Bakersfield, CA Masonry Pros
Accomplished masons with Cagle Masonry shall make your domestic remodeling complete. Customers full approval is the main purpose for Cagle Masonry's masonry contractors. What exactly is their area of expertise? The masons at Cagle Masonry are experts in: masonry restoration projects. You would obtain the finest house remodeling services possible if you obtain a masonry authority. Each contractor with Cagle Masonry view the Bakersfield community as home. If you're setting up a project, never forget to seek out masons. To attain the best imaginable outcome in your domestic makeover, you shall want an expert masonry professional.
Cagle Masonry's Masonry Tasks around Bakersfield
The company got created in 2008-01-01. Cagle Masonry's expert masons are key to have a top notch house remodel. The professional technicians at this agency can make a ideal residence a reality. Reserve a complimentary estimate on your property's job to around Bakersfield, CA with expert masons of the company, simply call 6613633968. A detailed menu of all of Cagle Masonry's tasks can be located at Cagle Masonry's site.
License Information
Number: | 916602 |
State Info: | View official license on government website |
Type: | Masonry |
Status: | Active |
Issued on: | 2008-06-03 |
Bond Information
Company: | American Contractors Indemnity Company |
Amount: | $12,500 |
Additional Information
Time in business: | 16 years |
Services Offered: | Roofing Masonry |
Are we a residential contractor? | YES |
Are we a commercial contractor? | YES |
Do we offer financing? | NO |
Do we have emergency service? | YES |
Do we accept credit cards? | NO |
Additional Company Information
Cagle Masonry - Masons in Bakersfield, California. In business since 2008. The company's license number is 916602. License held: Masonry.
Hours Please call to confirm
8:00am - 6:00pm | 8:00am - 6:00pm | 8:00am - 6:00pm | 8:00am - 6:00pm | 8:00am - 6:00pm | Closed | Closed |
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