
Should You Paint Your Walls A Dark Color?

Brown is a great color for your living room. Source: RD

Painting is by far one of the easiest and perhaps even the most inexpensive way of giving your walls a much-needed revamp. However, it is not something you want to do over and over again. Choosing the right shade that will last for months or years is therefore important. A lot of people, however, play it safe. 

Instead of going for darker more risky hues, they’d rather stick to the basic light and white options. There is nothing wrong with this, but maybe it’s time to try out something different. So, this begs the question. Should you paint your walls a darker color? Well, it’s okay if you are feeling nervous about it. 

But here are some tips that will help you get started! 

Start Small 

The entryway is a great place to experiment. Source: Paper N Stitch

This is probably the very first time you are considering darker shades on your walls. So instead of going all in, how about starting small? Dark colors are great for walls. But it doesn’t mean that everyone will like them. If you are not sure, start by painting the entryway or hallways and see the effect the paint has on your home. 

If for some reason you don’t like it, you can go back to your bright colors without necessarily spending a lot of time on repainting. However, sometimes you may need a few days to better appreciate the splendor of darker shades. Even if you don’t like what you see at first, give it time. The colors might just grow on you eventually.

Darker Shades Work Best with Natural Light 

Make sure the space will still be bright enough. Source: Making Joy and Pretty Things

Dark colors will work well in homes that get plenty of natural light. The lighting helps generate outstanding contrast. Before you decide to paint your walls using dark paint, make sure the space is properly lit with plenty of natural light.

Try Out the Trim First 

Dark trim can already add drama to the space. Source: NY Times

In case you are still on the fence when it comes to darker shades, then try out something simple but equally important. Instead of painting entire walls, focus on the trims first and see how it goes. 

Using darker shades on trims is a good idea for two reasons. 

  • First, it helps you to better appreciate the effect that darker hues may have on your interior. 

  • Secondly, dark colors can provide incredible contrast and accent value for bright plain walls. 

As a matter of fact, this is becoming a very common design trend in many contemporary homes. 

You don’t even need to ultimately paint the entire wall dark. You can still resort to keeping your bright colors while maintaining the warmth of darker shades on the trim. This is also something that can be done vice versa. 

Tip: If you have a darker shade on the walls, you can give them better contrast by adding brighter colors on the trim.

Make It Cozy 

Doesn’t this look incredible?! Source: NY Times

Dark colors are extremely understated, as they may lack the vibrancy and welcoming feeling of brighter shades. In that case, you will need to play around with other aspects of your interior decor to make your home cozy.

  • Using proper lighting can go a long way in giving the darker hues on the wall some added character. 

  • Try to use bright accents as well. 

  • A boldly colored area rug and additional plant life should work wonders too.

  • It is also important to de-clutter the space as much as possible. Since dark shades do not reflect light very well, clutter may create the impression of a squeezed out space, and this is not good. 

The ultimate goal should be to balance out the dark wall with bolder accessories and furniture.

Using dark shades on walls is not something a lot of people think about but it can be a great idea. The only thing you need to do is adopt these hues with a touch of creativity. This will ensure everything works out in the end.

Are you ready to paint your walls a dark shade? Request a free quote today! 

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