
Best Ways of Filling Bare Spots in Shaded Lawns

Few things bring more joy to homeowners than spending quality time in the shady parts of the yard, however, this might be ruined if your lawn is bare ground in the shade. Patchy dead grass is frustrating to look at, but it can also become vulnerable to pests and diseases. 

Fortunately, it is not impossible to grow lush and green grass in shade. There are specific shade-tolerant varieties of grass for you to choose from. Plus, sticking to a maintenance routine will take care of it as it needs.

If you want to put an end to the bare patches in your lawn, take a look at this guide and check all the essential tips to repair bare spots in the lawn.

What Causes Bare Spots in Lawns?

There are different reasons for bare spots in the lawn to appear in your yard. Check the most common causes here:

  1. poor soil quality;
  2. poor drainage;
  3. pests or diseases;
  4. compacted soil;
  5. too much traffic; and
  6. lack of sunlight.

Although they have different solutions, the last cause is a difficult one that everyone who owns a house with a yard eventually deals with. It is known that grass requires around six hours of direct sunlight to thrive. So, shady areas are likely to be a challenge.

How to Fill Bare Spots in Lawns

It does not matter if you are wondering how to fix bare spots in the lawn in fall or spring, the answer is the same. Some of the measures you can take to solve the patched spots in your shaded lawn are compiled in this list.

  • Prune trees and bushes that might have foliage-producing shade. This way you will increase the amount of direct sunlight.
  • Aerate the soil to let water circulate away from the shaded area.
  • Water it less, as it does not reach so much sunlight, it is not necessary to water it as much as lawn parts that are not shaded.
  • Try different grass types. There are several tolerant varieties that might thrive more successfully.

Another common solution is to seed the region. Continue reading to check the details.

How to Seed Bare Spots in Lawns

If you plan on seeding bare spots in the lawn, maybe start by choosing a type of seed that has been designed to survive in low-light conditions. Besides that important factor, follow the steps below to seed the patchy spots in your shaded lawn.

  1. Soil preparation: remove dead grass and debris by raking it and loosening the earth to have efficient drainage and aeration.
  2. Seed the bare spots: follow the package instructions and evenly spread the seed over the bare spots.
  3. Cover it: set a thin layer of mulch, straw, or compost. That will protect the area from animals and keep the seed moist.
  4. Water it: you do not need to water more than enough for keeping the soil moist. Once per week is sufficient.

Finally, after you have done all that, the only thing left is to be patient and wait some weeks to see the results. Continue taking care of the area!

There is no need to panic if your lawn is bare ground in the shade. There are many solutions that can be done. There are landscaping companies that will help you out on this mission with the best quality available.

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