
Ten Backyard DIY Projects Sure to Inspire Summer Fun

The weeks leading up to summertime fun are always a busy time, which makes it hard to find the motivation to update your yard before guests show up. There are lots of ways to let your creativity and sense of style shine, even in your backyard, and the time it takes is totally worth it to wow your guests and enjoy your space. Besides, what is summer for, if not enjoying spending time outdoors in the sun?

Of course, it’s tempting to pay for the update, but doing it yourself is definitely worth it. Why DIY? Well, not only does it keep your hard-earned cash in your wallet where it belongs, but you can choose exactly what you want and customize it for your space and your idea of a fun backyard. We’ve compiled the top ten DIY projects for your backyard, with plenty of time to finish the projects before temperatures soar. Happy DIYing!

10. Table

DIY crafts. Source: AlwaysinTrend

If you’re spending time in the backyard, a custom-made table can be a great DIY project! DIY tables come in all shapes and sizes, from picnic tables to reclaimed wood traditional tables to tables made out of other items, like wooden cable spools.

9. Stepping Stones

DIY deco for the backyard. Source: iCreative

A great way to spice up any area with a DIY project is with homemade stepping stones. You can choose to keep them classy and traditional, or create stepping stones in unique colors or shapes. Not only can you create a walking path in your yard but this is a great project to have young kids help with.

8. Garden

DIY craft projects. Source: DIYNetwork

Gardens are pretty traditional DIY projects but too often these days homeowners choose to hire a landscaper for simple projects. While you might still want one to take a look at your plan, building your own garden plot or even raised garden beds is easy and satisfying and can add interest and color to your yard. Feel free to get creative with garden decor!

7. Sandbox

If you have younger kids who like to play outside, this DIY sandbox is a must-have for this summer and beyond. Complete with an attached cover to keep out rain and rodents when not in use, you’ll keep kids busy for hours building and playing while adults enjoy relaxing.

6. Rope Swing

Another favorite for kids of all ages, a rope swing can be as picturesque as a white-picket fence and a whole lot more fun. As long as you’ve got a tall and strong enough tree, a DIY rope swing should be an easy project, completed in one afternoon. A rope hammock can be a great substitution if you’re not into the idea of swing, too!

5. Porch or Patio

For the really handy homeowners out there, you can DIY your porch or deck instead of having a contractor do all the work. Whether you envision a simple update or there are repairs that need taken care of, a nice deck or porch can make all the difference in a backyard.

4. Arbor or Trellis

Both arbors and trellises are incredibly easy to build and provide great material for climbing plants, like grapevines, ivy, and hanging pothos, to cling on to. Used to decorate a garden or walking path, you can get really creative and design something absolutely spectacular for your space!

3. Firepit

Ah, what’s better than relaxing under the stars, eating s’mores and staying warm by the fire? DIY your own firepit, and you can enjoy the stars any night you want to.

2. Outdoor Kitchen

A trend in backyard design that’s only continued to grow, installing your own outdoor kitchen will benefit you for years to come. More than just a grilling station, outdoor kitchens can include anything from a sink to a full-size fridge and make backyard dining the most enjoyable part of the evening.

1. Pool

Ok, with the exception of a kiddie pool, this isn’t really a DIY project. But having a pool in your backyard is absolutely worth talking to a contractor - you’ll be the house everybody wants to spend time at, when you’re not relaxing by the pool on your own, that is! From pool parties to just cooling down after a long day, pools are the way to go this summer.

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